Documents in OHS

Throughout OHS, you can link to, store, edit and remove documents which relate to any event being recorded, and/or to an employee, position or incumbent. For example a procedure might need to be linked to a specific location.

Document Store

Using Navigator | Document Store should be considered the main method for adding documents or images. This is a central repository for documents and images used throughout HR3pay. The existing documents/images in Document Store may be linked to items such as Incidents or Hazards in OHS. When you want to add a document/image into OHS you use the Document Store button. This process is described in Adding a Document in OHS.

Note: HR3 recommend that you use Document Store rather than the Documents & Images | Add New or Add Photo options.

When you use the Documents & Images | Add New or Add Photo options to add a document or image into the system, there are two methods to choose from within these options: Attach and Load. You can use either of these methods throughout the system, whichever is more appropriate at the time. The method used determines how you go about editing the document. You might like to consider the following, when deciding which method to use (however be aware that we recommend Load as this method is more compatible with Document Store):


Attach: With this option, all users need to have access to the location on your server where the documents are stored.

Load: With this option, users need only have access to the database.

One option may suit your current network setup better than the other. Also, loaded documents will take up space in the database, so ensure you don’t load too many very large documents.


Attach: An attached document is stored externally to HR3pay, so a user may be able to access it on the external storage drive.

Load: By using the Load option, you can take full advantage of HRpack’s document security (including Check-Out and Check-In). For example, you may need to hide high-level documents from mid or low-level users.


Attach: If a document is attached, you must rely on the proprietary program’s locking mechanisms to prevent multiple simultaneous edits.

Load: If a document has been loaded into the database, it is automatically available for editing to only one user at a time. Changes to the document are saved directly into the database. The document is subject to version control, which ensures that only one user at a time can access the document. This is achieved via the Check Out and Check In function.
Because the document is stored in the database, system backups will increase in size and some performance degradation may be experienced.

Linking one document to many areas

A typical task with documents is to have a document such as a Policy/Procedure which should be linked to many Locations. This document should be added into Document Store and then for each Location you open the Document Store and choose to link to the original document.


See the following topics for more details:

Adding a Document in OHS

Adding an Image

Images in Plant & Equipment


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